Kristen Medina-Perez, founder of The Vessel
As a passionate college student, I said yes to every adventure God would take me on. My persistent yes led me to spend every summer of college in north India with a local family. David and Sahne Pou took me in as their own, housed me, fed me, and allowed me to minister at their side. For five years I have had the privilege to live, teach, and preach in the remote villages of northeast India.
She stole my heart. India’s people captivated me. For a country that is largely unreached, I found so many people dedicating their lives to the sharing of the Gospel. They are my brothers and sisters. They are our brothers and sisters. God expanded my capacity to love and called me to India. For a while, I thought that I would move there and live out my days. Then during my last summer of college, God spoke a new word. He allowed me to brutally experience my limitations of ministering in a country I was not from to a culture I did not share in a language I did not speak.
That summer was tough and left me discouraged. Here I was full of passion and good intention to preach and teach, but without the ability to practically execute the preaching and teaching. Before I began to wallow in it, God revealed His purpose and placed a vision before me. I am called to India. I am purposed to send the Gospel where it has yet to go; except now I would be the one who sends rather than the one who goes.
The Vessel was born out of this love and understanding: everyone has a vital role to play in the evangelism of the world.
She stole my heart. India’s people captivated me. For a country that is largely unreached, I found so many people dedicating their lives to the sharing of the Gospel. They are my brothers and sisters. They are our brothers and sisters. God expanded my capacity to love and called me to India. For a while, I thought that I would move there and live out my days. Then during my last summer of college, God spoke a new word. He allowed me to brutally experience my limitations of ministering in a country I was not from to a culture I did not share in a language I did not speak.
That summer was tough and left me discouraged. Here I was full of passion and good intention to preach and teach, but without the ability to practically execute the preaching and teaching. Before I began to wallow in it, God revealed His purpose and placed a vision before me. I am called to India. I am purposed to send the Gospel where it has yet to go; except now I would be the one who sends rather than the one who goes.
The Vessel was born out of this love and understanding: everyone has a vital role to play in the evangelism of the world.
Message from the Vessel Team
We believe there is power in the ministry of national missionaries. Unlike foreign missionaries, they are unbound by language, culture, and political circumstances. These men and women of God are doing amazing things in their countries of origin as they extend the Gospel to the ends of the earth - beginning with the evangelism of their own people. The problem therefore is not the availability of ministers, but rather the accessibility of resources.
At The Vessel, our goal is to see churches planted all around the world through the partnership of believers from every continent. Acts 2:44-47 chronicles the relationship between believers in the first century Church. “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” There are many needs today. Out of the abundance of few, God is able to bless the masses.
If every nation, tribe, tongue, and people are going to be extended the opportunity to hear the Gospel and worship in a local church, the global Body of Christ must once again carry each others’ burdens. The Vessel believes that national missionaries - men and women doing ministry among their own people - are the most effective in reaching the unreached people groups. Our part in fulfilling the Great Commission is this: believers with resources must take up the responsibility of caring for the believers without resources. This will enable our brothers and sisters in Christ working in the hidden parts of the world to continue evangelizing, serving, and ultimately church planting in places unknown to the Western world. The first century Church had it right! If the global Body of Christ comes together in this way, here and now, earth will surely begin to look more like Heaven! We at The Vessel are praying for this love revolution to take place!
At The Vessel, our goal is to see churches planted all around the world through the partnership of believers from every continent. Acts 2:44-47 chronicles the relationship between believers in the first century Church. “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.” There are many needs today. Out of the abundance of few, God is able to bless the masses.
If every nation, tribe, tongue, and people are going to be extended the opportunity to hear the Gospel and worship in a local church, the global Body of Christ must once again carry each others’ burdens. The Vessel believes that national missionaries - men and women doing ministry among their own people - are the most effective in reaching the unreached people groups. Our part in fulfilling the Great Commission is this: believers with resources must take up the responsibility of caring for the believers without resources. This will enable our brothers and sisters in Christ working in the hidden parts of the world to continue evangelizing, serving, and ultimately church planting in places unknown to the Western world. The first century Church had it right! If the global Body of Christ comes together in this way, here and now, earth will surely begin to look more like Heaven! We at The Vessel are praying for this love revolution to take place!